Finding God

Friday, April 17, 2009

A lot has been going on in my life lately. It is just so jammed pack. I made a really HUGE decision a few weeks ago, and gave my life to Christ. It has been amazing!! Every day I feel like I am getting close to God. :) IF you haven't done this...I totally recommend it. God Love you Sooo much!!! Anyway I just wanted to share that. It was a Happy Easter indeed!

Also, I started doing LifeChurch online. It's really neat because if you are too busy to go to a church, you can do church online. There are soo many different times that it's hard to miss it. I also have a LifeGroup of some of the most amazing women! They are awesome! We are called "Women After God's Own Heart.

That's all for now!!

Weight Loss Journey

Saturday, March 14, 2009

So, I have been trying for a few years to loose some weight...well..A lot of weight actually. I used to weight about 120lbs and am not at 185 lbs. Not a big deal for some people..but I am only 5 ft 2 in tall!! I hate the fact that I feel so fat and ugly. I have never felt like the most beautiful girl in the room, but I had never felt like the ugliest. The bad thing about the whole situation is the entire time I was gaining weight, I kept's not that much weight, you can get that burnt off as soon as you get out of school. No big deal...etc. I have been doing Weight Watchers for a while, and actually the first time I did it, I had lost 35 lbs, but gained most of it back after I quit doing the program. It's just so hard to loose weight, and unfair that there are sooo many out there that don't have to count calories because their metabolism is so high. Needless to say I have lost some weight since I started the program again a few weeks ago, but I had a really bad week this week and gained some weight. I hate makes me feel like a loser. I just want to wake up and feel good about myself and I know that will never happen until I loose some of this weight.
